WordPress database error: [ALTER command denied to user 'thegarde_wp835'@'localhost' for table `thegarde_wp835`.`wp_amz_sync_widget`] ALTER TABLE wp_amz_sync_widget CHANGE COLUMN `ID` `ID` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT
WordPress database error: [ALTER command denied to user 'thegarde_wp835'@'localhost' for table `thegarde_wp835`.`wp_amz_sync_widget`] ALTER TABLE wp_amz_sync_widget CHANGE COLUMN `bulk_code` `bulk_code` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'md5( concate( bulk_asins, country ) )'
WordPress database error: [ALTER command denied to user 'thegarde_wp835'@'localhost' for table `thegarde_wp835`.`wp_amz_sync_widget`] ALTER TABLE wp_amz_sync_widget CHANGE COLUMN `bulk_asins` `bulk_asins` TEXT NOT NULL COMMENT 'array_serialized( post_id => asin )'
WordPress database error: [ALTER command denied to user 'thegarde_wp835'@'localhost' for table `thegarde_wp835`.`wp_amz_sync_widget`] ALTER TABLE wp_amz_sync_widget CHANGE COLUMN `country` `country` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL
WordPress database error: [ALTER command denied to user 'thegarde_wp835'@'localhost' for table `thegarde_wp835`.`wp_amz_sync_widget`] ALTER TABLE wp_amz_sync_widget CHANGE COLUMN `status` `status` VARCHAR(20) NULL DEFAULT NULL
WordPress database error: [ALTER command denied to user 'thegarde_wp835'@'localhost' for table `thegarde_wp835`.`wp_amz_sync_widget`] ALTER TABLE wp_amz_sync_widget CHANGE COLUMN `status_msg` `status_msg` TEXT NULL COMMENT 'array_serialized( msg => text, msg_full => text )'
WordPress database error: [ALTER command denied to user 'thegarde_wp835'@'localhost' for table `thegarde_wp835`.`wp_amz_sync_widget`] ALTER TABLE wp_amz_sync_widget CHANGE COLUMN `widget_response` `widget_response` MEDIUMTEXT NULL COMMENT 'widget_response and widget_response_date are used also as a mini-cache system'
WordPress database error: [ALTER command denied to user 'thegarde_wp835'@'localhost' for table `thegarde_wp835`.`wp_amz_sync_widget`] ALTER TABLE wp_amz_sync_widget CHANGE COLUMN `widget_response_date` `widget_response_date` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL
WordPress database error: [ALTER command denied to user 'thegarde_wp835'@'localhost' for table `thegarde_wp835`.`wp_amz_sync_widget`] ALTER TABLE wp_amz_sync_widget CHANGE COLUMN `created_date` `created_date` DATETIME NOT NULL
WordPress database error: [ALTER command denied to user 'thegarde_wp835'@'localhost' for table `thegarde_wp835`.`wp_amz_sync_widget_asins`] ALTER TABLE wp_amz_sync_widget_asins CHANGE COLUMN `asin` `asin` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
WordPress database error: [ALTER command denied to user 'thegarde_wp835'@'localhost' for table `thegarde_wp835`.`wp_amz_sync_widget_asins`] ALTER TABLE wp_amz_sync_widget_asins CHANGE COLUMN `country` `country` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL
WordPress database error: [ALTER command denied to user 'thegarde_wp835'@'localhost' for table `thegarde_wp835`.`wp_amz_sync_widget_asins`] ALTER TABLE wp_amz_sync_widget_asins CHANGE COLUMN `post_id` `post_id` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL
WordPress database error: [ALTER command denied to user 'thegarde_wp835'@'localhost' for table `thegarde_wp835`.`wp_amz_queue`] ALTER TABLE wp_amz_queue MODIFY COLUMN `country` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';